BirthdayWizard |
Your personal assistant
• CONTACT LIST: in the menu item "Contact list" you can select the desired recipient from your iPhone contacts. Fill in any information which might still be missing from your iPhone contact list and enter the form of salutation (male/female and formal/informal). For each contact, specify whether you want to send the standard SMS or an individual SMS. • EDIT TEMPLATES: under "Edit templates" you will find a selection of sincere, humorous and original birthday wishes. Of course you can also change the templates or add to them. • STANDARD SMS: here you define the standard SMS under the menu item "Standard SMS settings“. You can also use suggestions from the templates. You can change the standard SMS again at any time. You should do this once per year to avoid sending the same SMS every year. After changing the text, the old text is overwritten and all standard SMS sent will be using the new text. • INDIVIDUAL SMS: for each contact in the "Contact list" you can enter a personalised SMS for this recipient using the "Individual SMS" button. You also have text templates at your disposal, which you can select for use by mouseclick. • PERSONALISATION: the SMS is automatically personalised and the recipient is addressed with his name. You can select a formal or informal form of salutation and specify the gender. BirthdayWizard then automatically generates the desired form of salutation, e.g. "Dear Susan" or "Dear Mr Thomas". • AUTOMATIC GENERATION: the respective SMS is automatically generated on the respective birthday and you receive a push message. All you still need to do is confirm the dispatch of the message.• LANGUAGES: the menu navigation can be switched to English and German. You can also change the language of the templates and find original birthday wishes in these languages. |